Christmas Pudding

Let me start with an apology, “I’m sorry”. What for you ask? Well, for no 1 simple photo on Friday. It was intentional you see, with the plan of launching my Christmas posts on the 1st December however, circumstances beyond my control left me unable to start the posts, so again “I’m sorry”. The 4th December is just as good day to start right???


So here we go! The beginning of my Christmas posts is finally here and what’s a better way to start than with a Traditional Christmas Pudding! I would love to say that my Christmas pudding recipe was handed down to me, but unfortunately the recipe my nan used seemed to get lost through time. So when I started making the puddings 4 years ago I picked Mum’s brain and hit the books and based mine of the one that closest resembled what I remembered from my childhood. Thanks Donna Hay!!! Today I share my recipe with you.


Christmas pudding

Pudding is one of those things that taste better as the days go on. This recipe takes at least 2 days to make, but I assure you it’s not 2 days of constant work! It is quite simple to make and very therapeutic and nothing gets you in the Christmas spirit like the sweet fumes on brandy soaked fruit! Time to get Christmas started!


Christmas pudding day 1

Christmas pudding mixing

Christmas pudding day 1 final

Christmas pudding day 2

Christmas pudding butter

Christmas pudding fluffy butter

Christmas pudding eggs

Christmas pudding combining

Christmas pudding steamer

Christmas pudding in steamer

Christmas pudding stock pot

Christmas pudding cookie cutter

Christmas pudding boiling

Christmas pudding finished

Few notes along the way:

  • Use the best mixed fruit you can afford it does make a difference.
  • While the fruit mixture is soaking give it a stir every now and then to turn the fruit over as the brandy tends to sit in the bottom on the bowl.
  • I tend to soak the fruit from between 24-48hrs, but as little as 4hrs will work.
  • 250g of fresh breadcrumbs is nearly a whole loaf of bread. I tend to take the crusts off.
  • The reason for baking paper in the bottom is to prevent it from burning.
  • The cookie cutter in the bottom raises the pudding off the bottom of the pot also preventing burning. You can also use a upturned plate.
  • You will need to top up the water every 30mins or so when you do so fill the kettle and boil it so it is ready to go next time.
  • I always let cool in the tin and then turn it out and just microwave it to heat it on Christmas day.
  • The pudding can be made 2 months ahead. Just wrap tightly with foil and keep in the fridge.


Sorry for no pic of the inside, but this pudding is off to my parents who are away for Christmas and I don’t think they would be happy with a precut pudding! Enjoy your puddings!



1kg mixed fruit

2/3 cup candied mixed peel

2/3 cup slivered almonds

2/3 brandy

250g softened butter cubed

1/4 cup brown sugar

1/4 white sugar

3 eggs

1 cup plain flour

1tsp ground cinnamon

1tsp mixed spice

250g fresh white breadcrumbs

2/3 cup milk


Combine the mixed fruit, candied mixed peel, slivered almonds and brandy in a large bowl. Cover and allow to soak overnight. Stirring occasionally.


In the  bowl of a mixer cream the butter, brown sugar and white sugar till light and fluffy. Gradually add the eggs beating till well combined. Add the fruit mixture, flour, spices, breadcrumbs and mix and combine with a wooden spoon.


Grease and place 4 layers of baking paper in the bottom of a pudding steamer and add mixture. Put a layer of baking on top and put the lid on the steamer.


In a large stock pot place a cookie cutter on the bottom and place pudding steamer on top. Add boiling water (use your kettle) till it is 3/4 of the way up the sides of the pudding steamer. Boil for 2hrs 15mins topping up water every 30mins. Remove from water and allow to cool in the steamer. Turn out on a plate. Wrap in foil and store in fridge till Christmas.


On Christmas day heat in microwave and serve with custard!

1 comment:

  1. شركة تنظيف بمكة
    وداعا منذ اليوم إلى الملل من عمليات التنظيف حيث أن شركة تنظيف بمكة تعمل على التخلص من كل الأتربة والأوساخ خلال مدة قصيرة من الزمن حيث أن لدينا فريق كبير مدرب على تنظيف كل مكان في المنزل وأيضا تتوافر خدماتنا لكل من الأبنية الحكومية وشركات القطاعات الخاصة والمستشفيات غير المساجد والمدارس والفلل والقصور وغيرها من العقارات المختلفة .
    نوفر خدمات متنوعة بأقل الأسعار منها : تنظيف كنب - تنظيف مجالس - تنظيف سجاد - تنظيف موكيت - تنظيف أرضيات وحوائط وأبواب - تنظيف ستائر – تنظيف شقق - تنظيف واجهات المنازل والفلل والمحلات والقصور .
    شركة تنظيف خزانات بمكة
    تركيب الخزانات يعتبر من الأمور الهامة التي يجب أن يراعيها العميل حيث أنها تنتج نوع من الرواسب التي لا يمكن إزالتها بسهولة وتتسبب في تلوث المياه ومن خلال شركة تنظيف خزانات بمكة سوف نعمل على إصلاح تلك المشكلة في الحال .
