4 July 2013

A Lazy Day




blueberry muffins



norfolk pine  sunset

tiny capsicum  garden

garlic  IMG_7433


Some day are just meant to be slow and lazy and today seems to be one of them. While I was up 7am for a blood test I was home and back in bed within the hour to sleep the morning away finally rising at 1035am. Why 1035am? You see, I have wanted a knitting machine for awhile now and was bidding on one on ebay that ended at 11am so I wanted, for once, to watch the auction to the end. It wasn’t meant to be however so the search continues but I digress, a slow and lazy day was clear from the outset. When the girl woke up at 1130am she was not well and rolled back over and went back to sleep while I ventured to the couch where I turned the tv on and kicked back with my latest crochet project.


After awhile the girl joined me and it was obvious she was not going to make it to work for her afternoon shift. As we ventured into the kitchen to make my lunch and her breakfast it made me smile as I love sharing the kitchen. Most of the time it is just me in there cooking or baking away, but occasionally she joins me to help with dinner prep or just absent mindedly stir a pot on the stove and it makes my day. Today as sick as she was she made her breakfast and watched my toast (it was a simple lunch) as I explained to her what my plans were for the day. It was simple, after my lunch I was going to go to Spotlight to get some fabric and elastic giving her sometime at home on her own. With me home all the time she rarely gets the “me time” she often craves, so I like to get out and let her have time. It got a smile from her.


Spotlight was disappointing as usual but the sun was shining, the birds were tweeting and the air was warm so returning home I grabbed my camera, the last 2 banana, blueberry & oat muffins from Wednesday’s baking and took the girl outside to enjoy the last few moments of the afternoon. I honestly believe the sun and fresh air can do wondrous things when one feels poorly and if nothing else it makes the day seem a little brighter. As she sat on the steps I captured the moments (as did she) and looked at my garden. Try as I might mine never seems to grow to much, seeds sprout and die and weeds move back in. But I had to smile for there was a tiny capsicum hanging on for dear life on the long abandoned capsicum vines. Nothing grew on these vines all summer (or on my tomato, zucchini or eggplant vines either for that matter) but there it was one tiny capsicum. Funny how now in the middle of winter it was there. It will see out its days on the vine but maybe, just maybe there could be home for the gardener in me yet. Mind you my garlic I planted at the beginning of May appears to have started to die off and I picked one that had completely died back just to  have a look what was going on. It was cute and appears to be in perfect condition, so I don’t know. I really really wish I was better in the garden as I dream one day of eating what we grow, for now it looks like parsley and perhaps some rocket are it.


As the sun dipped behind the building across the road our day moved back inside where I through dinner into the slow cooker, the girl napped on the couch and I typed up this post before I move to the couch to finish my crochet project. Dinner will be ready without effort and the clean up will wait till tomorrow, the heaters are on warming the house and day 6 of Le Tour De France will grace our tv screen till the early hours of the morning. It has been slow and lazy, perhaps there should be more days like this?? (but with a healthy girl.)

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